Monday, December 31, 2007

Macy's Holidazzle Parade

Well, we finally made it to the Holidazzle Parade, which has been a Minnesota tradition longer than I've been breathing fire. Uh, well, anyway - since Thanksgiving, we've had it on our massive to-do list, and finally on the 22nd, we ventured out with some friends so that we could finally draw a really big, like huge, X through it on that, uh, really long list.

Funny thing about Minnesota though, you start to feel really invincible and hearty with the weather conditions, so you trudge out into the 14 degree night, with windchills in the negative teens, to find a premo spot for a winter parade that lasts basically thirty minutes. This is the same Minnesota-embrace-the-elements-because-otherwise-you're-inside-for-half-the-year mentality that had us wearing no jacket (Scott) and just a sweater and vest (me) when we went to run errands the week before when it was a balmy 23 degrees. I mean, let's face it, that's a heat-wave folks.

Yeah, so on this particularly chilly night, while the younger chickypoos were sporting fine clubwear, I opted for the sexy parka and Mexican blanket look.

Coley, who usually loves the cold weather, kept looking at his parents in such a way that I feared for our elderly diaper-wearing selves because, while of the hale and hardy Austrian stock, he grew increasingly upset at the frozen fingers he was sporting and the bright red cheeks and nose that rounded out his exposure to the subzero night. Hopefully, he'll have forgotten all about the experience way before then. I suppose it would help if I didn't put the memory down in writing...ah well, I'm sure this blog will be untraceable by then.

Right, so we went to the parade and Scott videotaped portions of it. The rest of the time Cole kept leading him into buildings that were featuring this really amazing thing, I think it's called HEAT.

While we did enjoy freezing our tushies off with our friends, I think next year we'll spring for the heated seats in the Macy's tent, just in case it is 10 below again.

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