Sunday, December 23, 2007

Cole's 2nd Birthday Party

On the Friday before Christmas, we had some of Cole's friends
over to help celebrate his second birthday. Yay!
We bought some Sculpey, which is shape-and-bake type clay, so the kids got to make Christmas cookie looking ornaments. It was loads of fun and proved very addictive - I'm just not sure who loved making them more, the kids or their parents.
I, of course, came down with another case of insomnia and hit my wall mid-way through the party, but Scott really came through to save the day.
He followed through on the plans I'd made but was too tired to safely implement myself. He made the cake (and the frosting too!) as well as handled the baking of the clay ornaments.
It was a fantastic time. Coley really enjoyed having all his friends over and hated seeing them go. He stood at the front window waving and saying, "Bye, bye!" to all of his friends until they all drove home.

Here are some photos of Cole and the gang.

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