Friday, January 16, 2009

A New Kind of Day

This week Cole and I have carved out a new sort of routine. When he gets home from school we have lunch and then make our way up to his room where, as he so sweetly reminds me each day with one hand on his heart, Cole has toys. Today though we didn't play with the normal set of toys. No today I was informed it was time for school and I needed to take my seat. Then it was time for the Hello song which I of course should know but sadly do not. Teacher Cole was quite disappointed by this but tried his best to teach me. It involves the word Hello of course and the name of classmates and apparently has some different interpretations. In one rendition some hand waving came into play, in another some complex clapping, and in a third the shaking of an invisible 'thing'. The fourth version seemed to be a combo of this Hello song and the more familiar (to me at least) Name song - meaning there was patting on the legs in a drum-like fashion. I tried to make up words and even tried to sneak in the Name song but this just made Teacher Cole cluck his tongue and move on after giving me one final, "Sorry, Mama," accompanied with a look that told me I am so last year. Note to self: Email Teacher Beth for the lyrics to this Hello song.

Teacher Cole, it turns out, is very strict. Once the singing portion of class is through you are to clean up and play with toys. Only not really seeing as every toy is his. Also, if you would like to read that's fine but again, all the books belong to him so 'sorry' they belong on his pillow rather than in your lap. He will read the books to you but he likes to skip ahead to the last page and then slam it shut and again say, "Sorry, all done."

This all reminded me of why I didn't like school so much. Never enough reading time.

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