Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Going to the Game

Okay, so this is my last post for the day - I think I've done three (!!). However, tonight we will be going to our third Twins' game. It'll be our first this season and the tickets come courtesy of our most fantastic neighbors.
Update: It was a great game! The Twins won! Yay! We got lots of good shots and will be sharing those with you soon. And, there were two cute babies sitting in front of us that kept Cole entertained - the kid loves babies! Cole also got really into the game - cheering, clapping, all of it - he had a blast! Lastly, we saw at least 3 baseball bats break upon impact last night - kinda scary since I've heard of people getting injured from the flying remnants but luckily that was not the case last night.

Update 2: Pics
As you can see it was a real nail biter there for a while!




Oh, I can't not watch though either!

But as we know - in the end it was the Twins who walked away with the big win...too bad it didn't last but they're just one big win behind so you never know...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I mean, really... he looks so old. What a cutie!