Monday, April 7, 2008

A Sunny Day in March

So, a little while ago, we decided to take advantage of 30+ temps at our local nature center. We've been hearing about it for months. You know, "Oh, yeah, they live near the nature center," and stuff like that.

Yeah, we know, 'bout time! Cole has been battling a fever since Leap Year but once we set him loose on the ground there was no stopping the smiles and shrieks of glee.

Coley is even more agile on all the playground equipment so this spring and summer should bring lots of adventure to his life and ours!

I know it doesn't need to be said...but we took a bazillion shots that day. We hope the ones we've selected for this post make you smile as they do us.


Jenny said...

Melanie you look so good. :) Cole is a cutie... and Scott, you are ok too! :) haha

Cole said...

Thanks, Jenny! I'm glad the snow has finally melted b/c I will finally stop baking! :)