Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cole's Birthday

A couple days later, we had to face facts and admit that our little baby Cole was, indeed, growing up on us. Yep, Coley turned two and in fine fashion. He sported the infamous terrible two badge proudly with moments of complete and utter adorableness mixed in. Thank the Lord for those little moments because man, our little one sure has my will and Scott's strength and at times that is a super scary combination.

Cole's Grandma Diane and Grandpa Dave made it through a blizzard in time to join us for the festivities. Cole was hesitant to open his own gifts, he preferred to pass them out to the rest of us instead. Finally, when I asked him to 'help' me open a gift, he rushed right over and so that is how we proceeded for the next day or so.

I don't know if the rest of you have had this experience, but we really had to open the gifts on Cole's schedule. He wasn't about to move onto another gift until he gave the one before it a good hour of his undivided attention. At least we know he loved everything!
Feeling ever-so guilty for not making his birthday party cake myself, I was doubly intent on making the one for his official special day, and I'm very happy to tell you that my first-ever attempt at a red velvet cake (a longtime-fav of mine) was a big success.
Yes, I'm tooting my own horn here, but when your mother tells you it was the best red velvet she's ever had (including the hundred or so she herself has baked) you start to feel pretty good. Then, when she asks you to give her your recipe, you know she's not just messing with you. That, and also, the fact that any of us will tell you, it was damn tasty!

Here's some pics of Coley enjoying his first-ever beater licking.

And here's some pics of him blowing out his candles. He didn't really get to do it all by himself at his party, so on the big day he had us light the candles and take pics again and again and again and again!

And here's some pics of Coley opening some gifts.

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