Ideally I would be posting about the Kluesner's visit this past weekend. However, I still haven't posted about many other things and so today I'm going to post a bit about our August trip to the Quad-Cities. We went for my 15th high school reunion and managed to see many family members in between events. We had not been back to the Quad-Cities since Christmas '06 so you can imagine how exciting it was for Cole to see everyone again.
Just as when we still lived in Illinois, Cole loved hanging out at his Great-Grandma Dodie's house.

Just as when we still lived in Illinois, Cole loved hanging out at his Great-Grandma Dodie's house.
The morning of the reunion we were able to meet up at Great-Grandma's house with Cole's second cousins (Gaige, Seamus, and Carter). It was a fantastic time for all four boys - they watered plants, played with cars, and of course tolerated the never-ending flash from the familial click squad.
After the reunion, we met up with Scott's mom and then headed over to my mom's house for a homemade meal. The most memorable moment occurred when Cole realized that he had three grandma's sitting across from him at the table. His great-grandma, his maternal grandma, and his paternal grandma. It was clear to see how cool he thought that was by the huge grin on his face as he pointed to each of them and then himself again and again. By the end of the night he had Grandma, Grandma, and GrandmaGrandma (so great you gotta say it twice) down pat!
On our last day in town we spent the morning with Grandma Jane at the John Deere Pavilion exploring all the tractors, gizmos, gadgets, and what have you. We also had fun goofing off in the gift shop. There are so many pics from the John Deere Pavilion we'll have to share them separately. Just follow this link for the slideshow.
Needless to say, Cole loved being able to explore so many tractors inside and out!
From there we met up at Great Uncle Ed and Aunt Eileen's new place. Great Aunt Eileen had saved a balloon from her birthday for Cole - she had an inkling that he might be a fan of balloons - and he is! Cole's loved balloons since his very first Halloween when a lady at Jewel gave him a pumpkin shaped one. Cole had a great time playing with his balloon (check out the monkey toes action!) while the adults all caught up. Scott and Great Uncle Ed found they have some common summertime memories from growing up in the region. Very cool. It was great to see Great Uncle Ed and Aunt Eileen again!
From there we met up at Great Uncle Ed and Aunt Eileen's new place. Great Aunt Eileen had saved a balloon from her birthday for Cole - she had an inkling that he might be a fan of balloons - and he is! Cole's loved balloons since his very first Halloween when a lady at Jewel gave him a pumpkin shaped one. Cole had a great time playing with his balloon (check out the monkey toes action!) while the adults all caught up. Scott and Great Uncle Ed found they have some common summertime memories from growing up in the region. Very cool. It was great to see Great Uncle Ed and Aunt Eileen again!
I am constantly shocked at how big Cole is getting!
I love seeing pics after hearing about people--it's like seeing a book come to life! That's so cool that Cole got to be with all three grandmas...
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