After the game, we felt the need for fresh air and a good stretch. We made our way over to Lake Calhoun to show Aunt Jill one of the many gorgeous lakes in this state.
I have to say, when I am feeling incredibly stressed or blue, I want to make my way over to Lake Calhoun.

I like it's sister lake, Lake Harriet, as well, but there's something about Lake Calhoun.
It's name is fun to say, there's a beach, a great cafe with some tasty ice cream, and a nice winding path - one for bikers and one for walkers - hey, get off my path old lady! - and lots of boats, which means, of course, I'm a happy shutterbug.
Lake Harriett, not one to be outdone,
can be depended upon for a seemingly spontaneous street fair or a very entertaining free concert at the Bandshell.
Lake Harrieter's all seem to know each other whereas across the way at Lake Calhoun you can be more introspective and anonymous if you so choose.
Both lakes provide ample areas for picnicking and great impressive trees - perfect to read under. Even as I'm attempting to highlight some of their best features I know I'm not quite nailing it.

I guess you will all have to come discover these and the many other lakes yourselves. Truly, they are everywhere. Otherwise, you just can't comprehend how clean and clear the water is.
Just how fresh the air is or how remarkable the sky above looks with not a hint of pollution. Oh, and then there's the night sky and the fantastic view of the city (just across the lake really).
First off, you should make the marketing material for visitors! Sounds fabulous.
Secondly, Cole is getting so darn big!!! What a cutie.
I also second that you did a great job with the photos and that marketing job! I want to come up and visit - so much to do and see!
Also, Cole looks like such a "big" boy enjoying the outdoors and all.
You guys are great for my ego! As far as visits go - come up anytime - we've got plenty of room now! Cole is getting really big and strong, and btw Jenny - he added more words and sayings this past weekend! Yay! Now if only we could get him to speak on command. He only speaks when he wants to but it's thrilling to hear him expanding his vocab.
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