Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Grandmas Look the Other Way

I'm serious. Grandmothers need not read nor view the following entry. I've warned you, so if you look at the pictures, don't, I mean, don't tell me how dangerous it is. Seriously, I know, but...

boy, is there some stuff that your kid
does that you are so amazed by it as a
father that you don't actually notice that
it could kill him. My kid climbed a ladder.
In the pictures it might look like I helped, but, no. The kid climbed up behind me when I was trimming the tree in the front yard, and then he sort of shoved me aside as he realized the potential height that he could reach. He really likes the view from six feet up.

Anyway, it was a one time deal for him, much to his chagrin, but the parent in me kicked in eventually.

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