park near our house, and we take every opportunity to bring our little man to the park and let him loose.
Well, before the recent bout of rain settled over the upper mid-west, we finally made the effort to take the boy to the water park part of our park.
Now, it always seemed to me that every time we passed it on our way to the play area, we would see lots of kids and lots of parents, but most notable was the fact that the dads were in the water and the moms were in groups gabbing. As you can see, Coley wasn't the only big boy in the splash park.
Also worth mentioning, that water is pretty cold and most of the downward facing jets come out pretty hard, painfully hard in my opinion.
Anyway, every time that I set him down, he made a B-line to his Mom. So, after a few minutes of water-made excitement, we headed over to the play area.
Our little man was much more at home there. He didn't hesitate to visit all his favorite things.
the high bridge...
the slide...
No, fooling, this kid really likes that swing. As you can see, he is in the big-kid swing and holds on tight and used tongue-focus to manage his momentum. When he was younger, he would ride the swing foreverrrr, but now that he has to hold on, he only rides as long as his arms can hold him, which, I am proud to say, is fairly long, a couple of other kids riding long, but not quite as long as he expected when he realized that throwing your head back to watch the trees above was fun, and just a wee bit more G-force than being fully upright, which quickly becomes quickly prone. That didn't happen on this visit. On this visit, he never let go.
Of all the pictures so far at the park, one of my favorite has to be this last one. I think, once again, Melanie captured the essence of our Coley. This was taken through the view hole in a big blue tunnel connecting the lower and upper parts of the play ground equipment. Cole thinks it is a gas to see us through the windows. I hope you like it as much as I do.