It happened to be Fan Appreciation night so we got lots of fun stuff. First, for being among the first 5,000 fans we got Al Jefferson piggie banks. Scott took one for his cubicle and Coley has adopted Al as a new friend. He even kissed 'Al's' head last night and told him goodnight before going upstairs to bed. He's still just as sweet as he was at six months old only now he's got the modeling and language skills to really send us to the moon. We also got to spin a prize wheel and both Mommy and Daddy landed on the 'choose any prize you want' but by the time we had our turn the really good stuff was gone. So, I took the
I made sure to get out all my photo happiness at the beginning of the game and I'll load those up later tonight (hopefully) so stay tuned for those. We would've love to have stayed for the rest of the game (the players were even going to throw autographed memorabilia into the stands afterwards), but Cole got a notion for motion and once Scott took him on one walk he wasn't real interested in sitting down again.