Thursday, April 17, 2008


Yesterday Scott won tickets to the last Timberwolves game. Yay! So the three of us ventured out for our first NBA game. I can't recall if I've been to one before - but it was definitely Scott's first and, of course, Cole's as well. Cole really enjoyed the first three quarters. He quickly settled in and clapped for every shot taken. It was super cute. When the music or lights would change his eyes would just grow big - he kept the rest of himself in his usual 'cool' mode. Even when they set off some loud fireworks type stuff he only reflected his startled response in his eyes. 'Cuz you know, he's a big kid and big kids don't flinch.

It happened to be Fan Appreciation night so we got lots of fun stuff. First, for being among the first 5,000 fans we got Al Jefferson piggie banks. Scott took one for his cubicle and Coley has adopted Al as a new friend. He even kissed 'Al's' head last night and told him goodnight before going upstairs to bed. He's still just as sweet as he was at six months old only now he's got the modeling and language skills to really send us to the moon. We also got to spin a prize wheel and both Mommy and Daddy landed on the 'choose any prize you want' but by the time we had our turn the really good stuff was gone. So, I took the beads (blue and then green ones with a pendant that reads, "Let's Build It!"), while Scott took the yearbook full of great pics and stats.

I made sure to get out all my photo happiness at the beginning of the game and I'll load those up later tonight (hopefully) so stay tuned for those. We would've love to have stayed for the rest of the game (the players were even going to throw autographed memorabilia into the stands afterwards), but Cole got a notion for motion and once Scott took him on one walk he wasn't real interested in sitting down again.

For those of you interested, we were playing Wisconsin, leading at first, fell behind and were still behind when we left. BUT, the Timberwolves pulled it out in overtime and won 110-101. Yay!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Scott

It's Scott's birthday! Hooray! Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday dear Sccooottttyyyy Happy birthday tooooooo YYYYYYYOOOOOUUUUUUU! Love you!
P.S. Um, Coley's got your card...

Monday, April 7, 2008

A Sunny Day in March

So, a little while ago, we decided to take advantage of 30+ temps at our local nature center. We've been hearing about it for months. You know, "Oh, yeah, they live near the nature center," and stuff like that.

Yeah, we know, 'bout time! Cole has been battling a fever since Leap Year but once we set him loose on the ground there was no stopping the smiles and shrieks of glee.

Coley is even more agile on all the playground equipment so this spring and summer should bring lots of adventure to his life and ours!

I know it doesn't need to be said...but we took a bazillion shots that day. We hope the ones we've selected for this post make you smile as they do us.