Hi everyone,
Many days I think of updating the post but knowing I don't have photos ready to load keeps me from doing so. But since it has been a month or so since our last update I figured you'd like to hear some news on our little man Cole.
A few weeks ago, while at a mall play area, he hopped into a red convertible and kissed this cute little blonde girl. I couldn't believe it. And right after, he gave an excited kinda cheer while she smiled shyly as they leaned over the back of the car. Turns out my friend and I were sitting next to the little girl's mother so we all got to enjoy the shock and tickle of this moment. (That's her, with the blonde hair, in the background a little later.
Many days I think of updating the post but knowing I don't have photos ready to load keeps me from doing so. But since it has been a month or so since our last update I figured you'd like to hear some news on our little man Cole.

A week later, Coley was at it again.
We met up with his pal, Moddie, who is the cousin of his cousins, Molly and Finn, at the park by our house. The two of them were practically buzzing as they ran around the warming house and played a few rounds of bean bag toss, and then when they stopped to check in on the rents, Coley leaned in for his second big boy kiss.

Moddie, to our relief, seemed tickled by it much like the first girl, and also looked up at us with a shy smile. Cole? Well, Cole had a
look on his face that boasted, "Yep, that's right - I kissed her." Now he doesn't just kiss any girl - she has to be friendly, fun, and well, uber cute. (This is a photo that Coley took of Moddie after the smooch.)
Then, this past Friday, he did it again. There's an older girl in his play group that is full of spunk and Coley loves to get a rise out of her. They were having a rare quiet moment when her mother turned to them with a great look of suprise on her face that drew all of the other mother's (including me) to look over as well. Wouldn't you know it, Cole had his arms wrapped around her and was just removing his lips from her face. I think he only kissed this darling on the cheek but she seemed all the sweeter for it. Her arms, too, were wrapped around him and once again, another girl greeted the room with a shy smile.
Cole has also really been booming with his language skills. For some time now we've known that he has a lot to say and has shared our impatience for him to be able to get it all out. Well, each day brings us closer to that. Oup! In fact, I hear him calling me now!
Then, this past Friday, he did it again. There's an older girl in his play group that is full of spunk and Coley loves to get a rise out of her. They were having a rare quiet moment when her mother turned to them with a great look of suprise on her face that drew all of the other mother's (including me) to look over as well. Wouldn't you know it, Cole had his arms wrapped around her and was just removing his lips from her face. I think he only kissed this darling on the cheek but she seemed all the sweeter for it. Her arms, too, were wrapped around him and once again, another girl greeted the room with a shy smile.
Cole has also really been booming with his language skills. For some time now we've known that he has a lot to say and has shared our impatience for him to be able to get it all out. Well, each day brings us closer to that. Oup! In fact, I hear him calling me now!