There are four vast floors with so many things to look at from the floor all the way up to the ceiling. Scott went from room to room saying, "No, okay, so THIS is how I want to do Cole's room." There were hundreds of other families there and we knew it was going to get a bit wild but once Cole put on his war paint he was ready for anything.
Cole's Grandma Jane was in town for the weekend so she got the chance to witness his wild abandon first-hand.
Cole wasn't shy at all about playing with the big boys or handing items over to the cute girls.
At one point he placed his hand on the shoulder of this cute brunette girl who had to be about eight-years-old. He kept finding her room after room but I don't think she realized he was trying to hit on her. To her he probably seemed more like a pestering little brother.
Cole tried to move on - this time with a blonde - and she was not shy at all about removing his hand from her shoulder again and again (our boy is nothing if not persistent).
Eventually he gave up on finding love and concentrated on making friends with this little boy named Ben.
When he wasn't stalking cute little girls or bouncing around with Ben he found other things to entertain and amaze himself with like snack time with Dad.
He also mastered the art of dropping balls into a hole before watching them go through a little maze and then back out another hole at the bottom.
He took time to spin a sunflower.
And of course he loved being in the Bob the Builder workshop.
To summarize, Cole just ran around the whole day squealing with excitement over all there was to see, hear, feel, and do.
And then on Monday he came down with a nasty virus! He's a trooper though and feeling better every minute.